Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Finally.....a house update!

These are actually houses and doors that I took pictures of in downtown Charleston when my sister, Lindsay, was here for a visit a few weeks ago. I found the frames at Tuesday Morning for next to nothing and repainted them and put glass in and now they are ready to go. I am so excited--I am not naturally any good at decorating.

The shower curtain holders say Good Clean Fun.

sorry these are fuzzy but you get the idea of the collage.

Master bedroom--I am really excited about the sheets I found that really bring out the beige in the comforter.

I am excited to be able to post the pictures of all of the work I have been doing to attempt to decorate my new beautiful home. I hope you enjoy. I am thinking and scheming about painting as well as curtains, etc. but for now I am most proud of the frames I found and redid and the pictures I took of Downtown Charleston and how well they turned out. :-) Enjoy.


Lindsay Tuttle said...

Looks good, Em!

Erin Neiner said...

I just caught up with your blog! :) You're lookin' good, my friend. First off, I LOVED your bowling nick-names...such a Tuttle thing! :) And, I'd be really interested in more info with the mystery shopper thing. Could you give me the low down and about how many hours you put in + how much $ it makes. How are "things"??? Oh, my email: erin[at]thefinerneiners[dot]com

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